The Ultimate Stretching and Mobility Tool

Bronwyn, Co founder of Limber Australia, dual Olympian, rehabilitation specialist, mother of two

Movement and

Lower Limber® is the ultimate stretching and mobility tool. If you’re an athlete, or just someone who likes to keep fit, Lower Limber® can help you increase your performance and prevent injuries.

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Stretching and

Lower Limber® is perfect for anybody at any age! Lower Limber® has a patented design that coordinates the legs, spine and the limbs of the upper body. Increase your range of movement with just a few minutes stretching a day.

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Injury and

Lower back injuries have become a far too common occurrence for Australian workers. Just a few minutes a day with the Lower Limber® sequential stretching and activation system can help treat, and even prevent, common workplace-related injuries.

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(Paralympic Gold Medalist - holder of multiple world records)

"Before using the Lower Limber system I couldn’t get up to go to the toilet. I had to have injections just to move. The pain was so overwhelming… After using the Lower Limber System my pain was completely alleviated …. I went on to compete at Rio, my eighth Paralympics"


(Olympic Gold Medalist - Taekwondo)

"With a busy and active lifestyle, I understand the need to keep moving. The Lower Limber system is a time efficient, supportive, simple to use system that allows you to feel how you are reacting to life and most importantly gives you a chance to respond."

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Lower Limber® is for every-body.
Discover how Lower Limber® can work for You.

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© Lower Limber® Pty Ltd 2019
Contact: 1300 778 979

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